Friday 23 May 2014

The Untold story

Some stories do not have start point or end point it just begins from anywhere.
This is my second post Hope you have liked the previous one
i am basically from a town where a particular set of culture is built.
People who thinks beyond that culture is treated like a traitor.
yes ,i am talking about superstitions and black magic which is banned by SUPREME COURT of india.
but it is still in practise.
i am witness of such practise in which people were brutaly sluaghtered just for the sake of god.
many 'PAKHANDI BABA'S making this thing to earn money and fool people.
Black magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural
powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes.With respect
to the left-hand path and right- hand path dichotomy, black magic
is the malicious counterpart of benevolent white magic. In
modern times, some find that the definition of "black magic" has
been convoluted by people who define magic or ritualistic
practices that they disapprove of as "black magic". 
i am not going to use the actual names in this account
for the need of privacy by the related individuals.
in the interiors of town hata, (U.P)there lived a couple with three
daughters. They always wanted a son,but were always gifted with a
daughter.Even after months of prayers and invocation they were unable to
produce a son. Tired and dissappointed with their faith they
turned towards the help of a self- claimed deity- a local baba, who
assured them of a way out. He told them to sacrifice one of their own
daughter and then the almighty will gift their deed with a son. So lost in
the mirage of getting a son, they didn't think twice before sacrificing
their own blood for the hope of getting the greater gender. The day
they sacrificed their daughter and slaughter her in a far-away
temple,local news broke out that a baba has been arrested for
misleading people into black faith. They rushed to the sight to find out
that it was the same baba. The self proclaimed deity.
stop believing Blindly INDIA.

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